How are you all doing this fine day?
I have had a bit of a strange week. I have found myself in the same situation as many other graduates - I has no job. I went from being severely down in the dumps to enlightened. I realised that instead of focusing on the negative, which I can't change at the moment anyway because there are no teaching jobs out there, I should put my energy into something constructive.
I have had so many ideas buzzing in my head and this has led me to put together a list of 10 things I want to do before I hit 30. I know it sounds a bit silly but I am 22 and I feel that I have not done much in my life. I went from primary school to high school, to college, to university (under grad), to university (post grad). I had around 4 jobs while I was doing my undergrad degree. Don't get me wrong - I have loved all of it - I have achieved so much academically, I have great friends and family, I have had the most amazing experiences - BUT, I feel like I should have done more.
I have always wanted to travel, become more independent and go out in the big bad world and just go for it!
Here is a list of 10 things I want to do before I turn 30...
1. Go on a pilgrimage.
2. Road trip through the US.
3. Explore Paris.
4. Have my cake business up and running (to a certain degree).
5. Get a real job!
6. Get married and have a mini meeeeeeeeeeeeee.
7. Have my own happy family.
8. Anything that scares the shit out of me - bungee jumping, sky diving, skiing, anything!
9. Actually learn how to play my guitar!
10. Stop caring what other people think.
So that is my little list.
What is on yours?
Do you make lists like this?
Or do you just go with the flow of life?
I am such a listmaker...along with a to-do list, grocery list, short term goals list, long term goals list...I have stacks of notebooks because I write so many! hahaha You dont wanna see my planner! Your list is great! As for your job I love this quote "Your Dream Job doesnt exist, you create it" :) keep focusing on the positive and you will stay on the right path!