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Drifting through life...

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

My Little Cupcake Business

I want to start a baking business!

There! I've said it - I feel like it is somewhat of a taboo stating something so ambitious because there is such a massive chance of failure, but I don't care - is that crazy?

I have some ideas that I'm hoping will work but we shall see!

If there is anything in the world that you could do as a job, what would it be?

Talking of pursuing what you want - there is a fab giveaway over on Lexi Minty Fresh blog. It is for a gorgeous YSL lipstick that I have been drooling over for a while.


  1. i make up artist.. i love make up and i could talk about it for hours.. until now it's just a passion, but who knows...

    good luck!

    xoxo from Italy

    The chic and cheap blog

  2. My mum started a furniture business over three years ago from just being a stay-at-home mum, and now she supplies things to decorate other stores! It's definitely inspired me to be fearless and peruse what I really want to do!

  3. Good luck hun! I'm sure it will be a success, if you dont try then you'll never knew and left wondering for the rest of your life.

  4. wow, it looks so good! I really like your blog, I've just found it and it's great! would you like to follow us each other? I can also follow you on bloglovin and twitter!


  5. Such an inspiring post! You should definitely go for it - I wish I knew what my dream career would be! <3

    Ellen xx


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