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Friday, 10 February 2012

Deep Freeze

The delayed winter has finally graced us with its presence and it looks like as if it is here to stay! This morning I woke up to my Dad ringing from his work warning me to be careful when I leave the house because these was black ice on both roads and pavements. I should have had paid a bit more heed to his advice...

Stepping out of my house this morning to go to the Doctor's resulted in me doing a little dance with death on the black ice and then falling flat on my backside. A lovely lady who was walking by stopped to help me (she probably had a giggle about it later with her friends but I appreciated the gesture). Deciding that the world was against me, I crawled back into the house, called the Doc's to say I wanted to cancel my appointment and then I crawled back into my bed to block out the cold.

I ventured back outside at 3pm to go into town and was amazed at how frozen my car was!

I went shopping for some delayed birthday, wedding AND Christmas presents (needless to say that I was very broke at the end of the shopping trip). I love shopping for presents and today was an extra special day because Mummy N passed one of her first exams, so the sister and I decided we should spoil her.

We treated our mum to some pink roses that were doused in glitter. Flowers are always a great idea for presents because there are different kinds to suit ANY occasion, and they last for such a long time basking you in their glorious fragrance.  Our living room smells heavenly! 

We also got some lovely 'little' cakes to celebrate in style. I mean, how can anyone have any type of celebration without cakes?

How are you surviving the deep freeze?

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