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Saturday, 18 February 2012

My Pandora Surprise...

Today was such a good day! It started off at 7am, in the library, buried under books, and overdosing in Mochas (erm...that bit was the not so good bit) BUT it improved drastically. After 6 hours procrastinating in the library, I went to pick up my Uncle who was visiting from London, I hadn't seen him in months so was looking forward to catching up with him. 

I was surprised when he said that he had got me a gift, but I was SHOCKED when he pulled out a Pandora bag! He doesn't really 'do' presents so it was a lovely gesture. I think he felt guilty about missing my past 7 or 8 birthdays but hey, I'm not complaining now! 

I have always been a Pandora fan but I didn't want to invest in it myself because it is really expensive, so now I am a VERY VERY VERY happy girl. He got me the classic Pandora bracelet with an adorable little silver charm with pink gems inserted in it. I am really looking forward to adding more charms to my bracelet.

The reason that I am so in love with the Pandora charm bracelets is because you have the option of adding charms to it as you journey through your life, so each charm that you add to your bracelet will be representing you at different stages in your life and remind you of different stories that you will be able to reminisce about and convey in years to come.

One girl that I know has had a charm bracelet from the day she was born and every year on her birthday her parents add another charm that represents the year that she has had. When I heard this my heart just melted and I know that it is something that I will be investing in if/when I have children.

How was your day today?


  1. I love Pandora, The beads you get more the braclets are gorgeous.

    Great post sweetie :)

    My fashion/Beauty Blog.


    1. Thanks for the comment! I have just seen this [oooops]. I can't wait to get some money and start adding charms. Do you have a bracelet?



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