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Monday, 14 May 2012

'Who wouldn't be interested in free products?'

I <3 getting free stuff, oh yes I do! 

I popped into my local shopping centre today because my eyebrows REALLY needed threading and I have had a pretty shit week so I wanted to buy something to cheer myself up. I had a look in Superdrug for the Sleek 3 Blush set because I have heard such good reviews about it, but, alas, there was none. Deflated, I started to head back to my car but a very smiley sales assistant from Clarins stopped me. They were giving away free samples of their foundation and would I be interested in trying it. 

I have never tried Clarins skin care or make up range so I thought I'd pick up a sample and try it out. I expected to only get a sachet of their foundation but the lovely sales assistant threw in a moisturiser and gel cleanser as well. I have now added those products to my growing samples of Clarins products that I really need to try out!

Have you used Clarins?
What did you think of their products?


  1. sorry you had a bad week, but a great perk to get some free smaples! I have never used their products before, let us know how it works out


    1. I will do a review once I have tried them out :)

  2. Ooh you lucky lady, you'll have to try them all out and report back! xx

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